Australia's transport sector is a huge source of emissions and we need to electrify it as soon as possible.
Yet Victoria is set to introduce the worst electric vehicle policy in the world -- a stand-alone tax on electric vehicles.
No other jurisdiction in the world has introduced such a targeted tax on clean vehicles, certainly not without significant incentives to balance it out.
Such regressive policies will condemn Australia to becoming a dumping ground for clunkers, where car manufacturers only sell us cars deemed too dirty for the rest of the world.
Tell the members of the Victorian Parliament to vote against the electric vehicle tax
Add your name -->
--To the Victorian Parliament
The proposed new tax on electric vehicles will increase costs and emissions while failing to raise significant revenue.
All a new tax will do is strangle the electric vehicle market before it's had a chance to start.
Australia needs more electric vehicles on the road, not less.
Please vote against the electric vehicle tax!
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Elissa Baker signed 2023-01-12 12:42:31 +1100
Nathan Hisick signed 2022-12-27 12:56:32 +1100
lukáš mrnčo signed 2022-12-26 07:50:58 +1100
Mark Maggiore signed 2022-12-22 07:54:31 +1100
Kai Ooi signed 2022-12-19 10:40:01 +1100
Damon Goods signed 2022-12-18 11:01:01 +1100
michaelk reygers signed 2022-12-18 01:04:48 +1100
Cameron McDougall signed 2022-12-17 17:04:18 +1100
Melville Telles signed 2022-12-15 14:33:52 +1100
paul bonnici signed 2022-12-14 10:26:15 +1100
Charles Hamilton signed 2022-12-13 16:11:53 +1100
Abdullah Guvenc signed 2022-12-10 06:30:52 +1100
Cameron Tomkins signed 2022-12-09 13:10:03 +1100
Grant Lawrence signed 2022-12-08 11:08:34 +1100
Rachelle Griffin signed 2022-12-08 11:07:32 +1100
Pat Wrigley signed 2022-12-06 12:54:48 +1100
Neil Ruedlinger signed 2022-12-05 20:48:53 +1100
Robert Janusz signed 2022-12-05 06:04:37 +1100
Stephen Lann signed 2022-11-28 18:13:50 +1100
Anthony Simpson signed 2022-11-22 09:06:18 +1100
Andrew Fisher signed 2022-11-15 10:18:56 +1100
Stu Holding signed 2022-11-13 17:50:29 +1100
N K signed 2022-11-13 05:06:29 +1100
Nick Jones signed 2022-11-12 22:16:04 +1100
James Green signed 2022-11-11 14:58:27 +1100
Samuel Raymond signed 2022-11-10 08:43:27 +1100
Daniel Edwards signed 2022-11-09 06:46:56 +1100
Lee Oliver signed
via james pyke 2022-11-08 19:14:02 +1100