Federal Corruption Watchdog with Teeth

In 2022, the Federal Parliament passed legislation to establish the National Anti-Corruption Commission, a watchdog that will investigate potential corruption at the highest level. It passed with cross-partisan support. The Commission will be operational by mid 2023.

It is clear the National Anti-Corruption Commission will fill a huge gap in Australia's integrity system.

Altogether, 19,000 people signed Australia Institute petitions calling for an effective anti-corruption watchdog at the federal level. Now, thanks in no small part to your support, the National Anti-Corruption Commission is law.

Read more about the Commission.


Photo: Former counsel assisting NSW ICAC Geoffrey Watson SC

A strong and independent federal anti-corruption commission is urgently needed to investigate and expose corruption and misconduct in the federal government and public service.

A poorly designed ICAC would be a disaster.

41 corruption fighters and eminent lawyers signed an open letter calling for the anti-corruption body to have:
• broad jurisdiction to investigate any conduct that adversely affects the proper exercise of public administration
• strong investigative powers including the ability to hold public hearings
• secured independence including long term appointments for Commissioner and a stable budget

85% of Australians believe there is corruption in federal politics and 78% support establishing a federal anti-corruption commission with public hearings.

It’s time to set up a federal corruption watchdog with teeth.

Add your name to the open letter!


41 prominent Australians, including Paul Stein AM QC, Geoff Gallop AC, Anthony Whealy QC, George Williams AO and Nicholas Cowdery AM QC, have already joined with the Australia Institute in calling for a federal corruption watchdog with teeth:



The Hon Paul Stein AM QC

Former judge of the NSW Court of Appeal, former President of the Anti Discrimination Board

The Hon David Harper AM QC

Former judge Supreme Court of Victoria, Senior Fellow Melbourne Law School

The Hon Anthony Whealy QC

Former judge of the NSW Court of Appeal, former justice of the NSW Supreme Court,
and Chair, Transparency International Australia

Nicholas Cowdery AM QC

Former Director of Public Prosecutions, NSW

Professor Geoff Gallop AC

Former Premier of WA

George Williams AO

Dean, UNSW Law

Carmen Lawrence

Former Premier of WA

Gary Crooke QC

Former counsel assisting, Fitzgerald Inquiry

Ged Kearney

President, Australian Council of Trade Unions

Andrew Dettmer

National President, Australian Manufacturers Workers Union

Robert Richter QC


Geoffrey Watson SC

Barrister, former counsel assisting NSW ICAC

Professor Graeme Orr

TC Bierne School of Law, University of Queensland

Brian Walters AM QC


Stephen Keim SC


Associate Professor Lynne Chester

Department of Political Economy, University of Sydney

Professor Tim Prenzler

Program leader, Criminology and Justince, University of Sunshine Coast

Associated Professor Ken Coghill

Monash Business School

Dr Valarie Sands

Chair, Australian Citizens Against Corruption

Laura Neil

President, Australian Lawyers Alliance

Jonathon Hunyor

CEO, Public Interest Advocacy Centre

Maxine McKew

John Cain Foundation

Joshua Jones


Professor Spencer Zifcak

Thomas More Academy of Law, Australian Catholic University

Professor Cameron Hazlehurst

Adjunct Professor, Humanities Research Centre, ANU

Sean Reidy


Dr Colleen Lewis

Adjunct Professor, Monash University

Emeritus Professor Meredith Edwards

ANZSOG Institute for Governance, University of Canberra

Emeritus Professor Barbara Pocock

School of Business, University of South Australia

Tony Kenyon

Former President, Australian Lawyers Alliance

Josh Bornstein

Principal, Maurice Blackburn

Alex McKean


Ben Slade

Principal, Maurice Blacburn

Richard Carew

Partner, Carew Lawyers

John Menadue AO

public commentator

Dr Klaas Woldring

Former Associate Professor, Southern Cross University

David Barnden

Lawyer, Environmental Justice Australia

Corinne Grant

Lawyer, Maurice Blackburn

Howard Whitton

Visiting fellow, University of Canberra

Dr Richard Gould

Tribunals Member, Australian Citizens Against Corruption

Evelyn Doyle

FOI Advocate


To the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten,

A strong and independent federal anti-corruption commission is urgently needed to investigate and expose corruption and misconduct in the federal government and public service.

Scandal after scandal involving federal parliamentarians and senior public servants show us that corruption does occur at a federal level, and that there are significant gaps in our current systems of oversight. In fact, there is no single agency responsible for investigating corrupt conduct among our federal parliamentarians and ministers.

To fill the gaps in the oversight of government, and make sure our elected representatives are held to account, a federal anti-corruption commission must be established immediately with:

  • broad jurisdiction to investigate any conduct that adversely affects the proper exercise of public administration
  • strong investigative powers including the ability to hold public hearings
  • secured independence including long term appointments for Commissioner and a stable budget

It’s time to set up a federal corruption watchdog with teeth.

5,007 signed