First "Interesting Drinks" Discussion Night
Buoyed by the great turn up at the WTF launch, and inspired by the conversations taking place and the new connections being made, we have decided to hold 'interesting discussions' drinks nights. These drinks won't have a speaker, or a particular topic that needs to be covered, just a time and a space once a month for informal chats between interesting folk.
Our first one is on Wednesday May 9th at the Fern Tree Tavern from 5.30pm onwards. Snacks will be provided and drinks will be available at the bar. Please feel free to bring others along: it's open to all, but we think word of mouth will work better than a Facebook open call out.
Wednesday, May 09, 2018 at 5:30pm - 8:30pm AEST
Fern Tree Tavern
Leanne MinshullRegister now
26 RSVPs