Establish a Federal Anti-Corruption Watchdog Now

In 2022, the Federal Parliament passed legislation to establish the National Anti-Corruption Commission, a watchdog that will investigate potential corruption at the highest level. It passed with cross-partisan support. The Commission will be operational by mid 2023.

It is clear the National Anti-Corruption Commission will fill a huge gap in Australia's integrity system.

Altogether, 19,000 people signed Australia Institute petitions calling for an effective anti-corruption watchdog at the federal level. Now, thanks in no small part to your support, the National Anti-Corruption Commission is law.

Read more about the Commission.

Australia’s trust in federal politics is at an all-time low. Australians have never trusted our politicians less.

It is time to create an independent anti-corruption watchdog to investigate and expose corruption and serious misconduct at a Federal level. The public is sick and tired of the lack of accountability revealed by repeat scandals involving federal politicians and public servants.

This is a national issue that cannot be ignored any longer.

In fact, Australia Institute research shows 88% of Australians support a federal anti-corruption watchdog, and 78% support establishing a federal anti-corruption watchdog with public hearings.

To restore faith in our democracy and help politics help itself Australia needs a Federal Anti-Corruption Watchdog with teeth.

Enough is enough: we need a Federal Anti-Corruption Watchdog now. Add your name to the call >

To the Prime Minister

We urge you to help restore integrity, accountability and trust in the Federal Parliament and Australian Public Service.

We need a Federal Anti-Corruption Watchdog with teeth.

7,024 signed

Latest supporters

Sue Green signed 2022-11-23 13:47:48 +1100
Ashlee Barnett signed 2022-10-27 15:59:44 +1100
Faye Sultan signed 2022-10-18 00:25:06 +1100
Norman Broad signed 2022-10-08 19:18:59 +1100
Robert Grainger signed 2022-10-07 15:06:57 +1100
Matthew Hardy signed 2022-08-25 13:01:14 +1000
Peter Lee signed 2022-08-04 07:00:47 +1000
David Cummins signed 2022-07-04 08:58:09 +1000
Shane Chilcott signed 2022-06-21 21:36:27 +1000
Chad Matuszeweski signed 2022-06-20 21:11:49 +1000
Arun Baskaran signed 2022-05-31 16:48:58 +1000
Marie Stuart
Marie Stuart signed 2022-05-28 05:50:47 +1000
Alan Fenwick signed 2022-05-28 03:37:46 +1000
Bohdan Tod signed 2022-05-22 11:03:05 +1000
Virginia Thornburg signed 2022-05-19 14:30:19 +1000
Richard Whitfield signed 2022-05-13 16:45:55 +1000
Sandra Stewart signed 2022-05-03 16:39:58 +1000
Jasmine Ashcroft signed 2022-05-02 19:53:34 +1000
Susan Gaywood signed 2022-04-26 15:33:00 +1000
Christine Sturgess signed 2022-04-15 10:11:44 +1000
Netta Sheridan signed via 2022-04-09 20:25:46 +1000
Netta Sheridan followed 2022-04-09 20:25:36 +1000
Dylan Charlesworth signed 2022-04-05 12:53:31 +1000
Nickie De Silva signed via Jacqui Thompson 2022-04-01 14:15:52 +1100
Jacqui Thompson signed 2022-04-01 11:49:48 +1100
Toby Reid signed 2022-03-17 08:37:39 +1100
Liz Ekman signed 2022-03-09 05:07:32 +1100
Carrie Yates signed via George Crisp 2022-03-07 12:25:03 +1100
Maxwell Sweetman signed via 2022-03-04 10:27:19 +1100
Bradley Towt signed 2022-03-03 15:48:17 +1100