Real Electoral Reform Must Make Our Politics More Representative

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Australia’s political finance laws are lax: the disclosure threshold is much too high, loopholes allow big donors to evade detection and the public has to wait up to a year and a half to see what ends up being disclosed.

Australia needs stronger donation transparency laws before the next election.

Leading civil society organisations have published an open letter calling for long overdue political finance reforms to make politics fairer and more transparent. Add your name today.

Open letter calling for political finance reforms

Parliament of Australia,

Australians have waited long enough for effective and fair political finance reform.

However, changes designed and supported by incumbent politicians need to be carefully scrutinised.

We need to ensure that, by accident or design, any changes to political donation rules do not lock out new entrants from Parliament, or create loopholes that perpetuate dark money while reducing the role charities and civil society play in our democracy.

If proposed changes have the net effect of excluding new entrants and civil society from participating in our democracy, they by definition cannot be considered as reforms to our current system, and ought to be rejected.

The guiding principle for any political donations reform should be: “first, do no harm, do not make matters worse.”

576 signed so far

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Belinda Bourke signed 2023-08-07 15:01:12 +1000
Bronwyn Opie signed 2023-08-07 13:57:37 +1000
Debbie Cummings signed 2023-08-07 13:50:52 +1000
Peter y signed 2023-08-07 13:46:49 +1000
Tonia Walker signed 2023-08-07 12:22:35 +1000
Garth Brown signed 2023-08-07 12:16:10 +1000
Mathias Rogala-Koczorowski signed 2023-08-07 12:11:22 +1000
Jane Rayner signed 2023-08-07 12:11:07 +1000
Judith Brown signed 2023-08-07 12:05:46 +1000
Veronika Plaznik signed 2023-08-07 11:26:53 +1000
Sandy McCathie signed 2023-08-07 11:04:23 +1000
keri james signed 2023-08-07 10:22:30 +1000
Sambuddhananda Saraswati signed 2023-08-07 10:08:38 +1000
Nicholas Gill Firth signed via Helen Burnet 2023-08-07 10:04:31 +1000
Margaret Hagan signed 2023-08-07 09:35:37 +1000
Peter Howes
Peter Howes signed 2023-08-07 08:08:55 +1000
james kenneth roberts signed 2023-08-07 07:32:39 +1000
Gail Mensinga
Gail Mensinga signed via David Rowe 2023-08-07 06:37:09 +1000
Sharon Pie signed 2023-08-07 05:20:00 +1000
Robert Pulie signed 2023-08-07 03:24:26 +1000
Rose Grant signed 2023-08-07 00:05:52 +1000
Michael Grothaus signed 2023-08-06 23:38:11 +1000
Geoff Turnbull signed via 2023-08-06 21:37:24 +1000
Louise Redmond
Louise Redmond signed 2023-08-06 21:06:09 +1000
Terry Lustig signed 2023-08-06 20:55:52 +1000
Andrew Firestone signed 2023-08-06 20:28:14 +1000
William Burgher signed via Don Burgher 2023-08-06 20:13:34 +1000
Russell Dilley signed 2023-08-06 20:05:13 +1000
Ron Edwards signed 2023-08-06 19:53:03 +1000
Alexandra Keith signed 2023-08-06 19:37:14 +1000