Where’s the Integrity in Politics? Senate Candidates' Forum - nipaluna/Hobart
Where is the integrity in politics? There are constant reports of pork-barreling, dishonest political ads, donations from vested interests and there is still no federal corruption watchdog with real teeth.
The Australia Institute Tasmania thinks we can do better. It is time to help fix politics. Which is why we’re inviting you to come and hear from Tasmania’s Senate candidates about their plans to improve integrity in politics.
The Forum will be held on Thursday 21 April, from 5.30-7pm at Hobart Town Hall, ahead of the upcoming Federal election.
Candidates attending:
TBC - Australian Labor Party
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson – Australian Greens
Alan Hennessy – United Australia Party
Leanne Minshull – the Local Party
Ivan Davis – Animal Justice Party
Lynne Kershaw – Informed Medical Options Party
Todd Dudley – Sustainable Australia Party
TBC - Shooters Fishers and Farmers
TBC – Australian Federation Party
We have invited one Senate Candidate from each party and all independent candidates to participate. Candidates will speak briefly to outline their election platforms, with a particular emphasis on integrity aspects, before a question-and-answer session with members of the public.
Registrations are essential to attend in person. This event will be streamed through our Facebook page.
Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 5:30pm - 7pm AEST
Hobart Town Hall
50 Macquarie St
Hobart, TAS 7000
Google map and directions