Ocean Management in the 21st Century
Why do we need a state-wide marine plan for Tasmania?
FACT: More than three in four Braddon voters are concerned that Tasmania's ocean is under pressure from climate change, pollution, and fishing, and support the Government taking action to make sure it stays healthy for future generations.
Australia Institute research shows the management of Tasmania’s spectacular marine environment needs urgent attention to ensure we can continue to enjoy economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits into the future.
Come along to hear about the review of Tasmania’s main marine law and why this once in a generation opportunity to achieve a sustainable ocean economy, with effective protection, sustainable production and equitable prosperity.
Featuring -- Eloise Carr, director of the Australia Institute Tasmania
Wednesday, May 04, 2022 at 5:30pm - 7pm AEST
Stanley Town Hall
10 Church St
Stanley, TAS 7331
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