Tax is Good: We Need to Permanently Raise Revenue to Fund Aged Care

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The Aged Care Royal Commission has given us a once in a generation opportunity to tell our parliamentarians that tax is good.

Part of the solutions recommended by the Royal Commission is a new tax to generate the stable, predictable and equitable revenue required to fund quality, patient-centred aged care.

After decades of tax cuts, all we’ve seen is more inequality and an underfunded aged care sector in crisis.

If we are to take what the Prime Minister calls this ‘once in a generation opportunity’ to address the aged care crisis seriously, we should also use it make a generational shift in political attitudes to taxation in Australia.

While the commissioners differed on some aspects of reforms needed, they are united on the need to increase government revenue.

It is never politically easy for politicians to increase taxes, that is why it is crucial our Parliament does not to miss this opportunity to permanently increase Australia's revenue base to help permanently fund quality aged care that all Australians deserve.

The Prime Minister said he didn’t believe he had the political support to increase taxes to fund aged care.

Let's show him he does.

This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for all sides of politics to be on a unity ticket to say 'tax is good' increase taxation and fix our aged care sector.

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To the Parliament of Australia

The Aged Care Royal Commission has confirmed that Australia's aged care sector is in crisis.

They have recommended a Medicare-style aged care levy to raise the revenue to fix it.

This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for all sides of politics to be on a unity ticket to fix our aged care sector.

We, the undersigned, support an aged-care levy to generate the permanent, stable, predictable and equitable revenue required to fund a quality aged care system for all Australians.

3,386 signed so far

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