We Need Truth in Political Advertising Laws

Australia Institute research shows that nine in ten Australians want Parliament to pass truth in political advertising laws.

Regulating the truth is not impossible. We already do it. Australian consumer law requires truth trade and commerce. South Australia has had truth in political advertising laws since the 1980s.

Australians want advertising to be truthful and transparent. They expect the media to self-regulate, and want laws that would penalise misleading and deceptive political ads with fines, forced retractions or losing public funding. 

Enough is enough. We need truth in political advertising laws passed now more than ever.

Add your name --

To the Parliaments of Australia –

Australians want advertising to be truthful and transparent.

Political advertisements that are deceptive and misleading interfere with the public's ability to make informed decisions.

We need truth in political advertising laws that are nationally consistent, constitutional, and uphold freedom of speech to be passed now more than ever.

13,008 signed so far

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Latest supporters

Michael Butson signed 2020-06-17 12:06:49 +1000
Ordan Andreevski
Ordan Andreevski signed 2020-06-17 12:06:48 +1000
Peter Crick
Peter Crick signed 2020-06-17 12:06:44 +1000
Michael Hall signed 2020-06-17 12:06:43 +1000
keith mitchelson
keith mitchelson signed 2020-06-17 12:06:40 +1000
Neal Salan signed 2020-06-17 12:06:38 +1000
rothwell miller signed 2020-06-17 12:06:38 +1000
Leslie Anderson signed 2020-06-17 12:06:36 +1000
Greg Olver signed 2020-06-17 12:06:35 +1000
Barbara Goulborn signed 2020-06-17 12:06:32 +1000
Rosemary Brooks signed 2020-06-17 12:06:30 +1000
Alex Hutto signed 2020-06-17 12:06:29 +1000
Hal Greenham signed 2020-06-17 12:06:25 +1000
Cate Matin signed 2020-06-17 12:06:19 +1000
Jo Monie signed 2020-06-17 12:06:19 +1000
Kristine Barnden signed 2020-06-17 12:06:16 +1000
doug robertson signed 2020-06-17 12:06:16 +1000
Aaron Austin-Glen signed 2020-06-17 12:06:12 +1000
Rob Kaftan signed 2020-06-17 12:06:11 +1000
Genevieve Hopkins
Genevieve Hopkins signed 2020-06-17 12:06:11 +1000
thierry lacoste signed 2020-06-17 12:06:09 +1000
Ros Hoatson signed 2020-06-17 12:06:03 +1000
John Spriggs signed 2020-06-17 12:06:02 +1000
Maureen Quinn signed 2020-06-17 12:06:00 +1000
Dr Van Davy
Dr Van Davy signed 2020-06-17 12:05:53 +1000
Mary Tapsall signed 2020-06-17 12:05:52 +1000
Jack Flanagan signed 2020-06-17 12:05:47 +1000
Dr Miriam Faine signed 2020-06-17 12:05:40 +1000
Nick Schapowal
Nick Schapowal signed 2020-06-17 12:05:38 +1000
Julian Potter signed 2020-06-17 12:05:37 +1000